Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Trip to Boston!!!


Many, many updates. This was Logan's 3rd trip to Boston, and Liam's first. This was also Liam's first trip flying, and this was the only trip flying that Logan was old enough to remember. The boys loved it. Logan loved sitting by the window and seeing "little houses" that looked like Monopoly game pieces. Liam was actually pretty good on the plane. We bought an extra seat so we could strap Liam into his car seat and he was fantastic! He even slept for about an hour (out of the four!) Great trip, incredible family, and we are looking forward to the next visit!
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1 comment:

The Pollards said...

Trip looks awesome - I love Boston. I need to chat with you about the car seat in the plane. We bought a seat for Keegan to Chicago, and I'd like to put him in a seat, but wonder if it will fit...I'll call.