Sunday, October 04, 2009

Logan & a fake tree!!!

I took the boys to the 2ND day opening of the new Sugar Land Museum of Science...only 10 minutes away!!! We had so much fun. It is still small and I imagine they will continue to add exhibits but we saw so many cool things! Live frog/toad exhibit was super-cool, they had a toad that was bigger then my face! Apparently some individuals in foreign countries eat them, but they did not make me hungry one bit! We even accidentally walked through the special "Narnia" exhibit backwards...oops! We went upstairs and found another gift shop and while walking through we continued into the exit of the exhibit! We were just looking for the rest of the museum (it is still a really small venue until they add and expand into the gigantic building!) Narnia was way cool and after walking through it backwards, I probably would have paid extra to see it! Such an awkward moment!
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