Sunday, January 11, 2009

Liam with "Brown Bear" and "Blue Bear."

This is a Nana request! Nana is needing our blog updated and I have been a slacker since I started working at Foster High School. I will get back into my routine, but here is a picture of Liam with his favorite bears! He talks so much more now. He is in daycare full-time and we have 2 different speech therapists visiting his daycare on a weekly basis for about an hour each to help him get developmentally caught up on speech and comprehension. He receives 2 hours a week with two different speech therapists and it really appears to be paying off. He was a preemie (almost a month and a half) early and a little behind. It seems like over night after we hired the speech therapists, he is a little parrot now! He is repeating EVERYTHING he hears, and can now hand us little alphabet letters and tell us the letters. He knows about 7-9 letters and sounds....yippee! When we read and put him to bed at night, he pats his little bears and says, "night night brown bear, night night blue bear!" He also made pee-pee in the potty yesterday! William, Logan and I clapped and made such a big deal out of it...we even called Nana so Liam could tell her about his big accomplishment! Pee pee in the potty = AWESOME!!!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you!! Looking forward to this year's updates on all the family. - Nana