Saturday, May 09, 2009

soooo, this little baby bird...

He fell out of his nest in our front yard and into our bushes. We watched him hop around and attempt to fly back into the tree while his "parents" sat on the ground squawking instructions to him. It was so crazy, but he eventually flapped his baby bird wings in an attempt to fly back into his nest above (keep in mind, me and the boys are plastered to the living room bay window looking crazy watching everything like we are watching a sporting event!) I am sure the neighbors were wondering what we were doing! Anyway, his attempt failed, he jumped up and fell to the ground with his "parents" still poking at him and making a commotion. He managed to hop over to the base of the tree and scaled it about half way to his nest with his parents following while offering chirps of encouragement. We cheered when he made it!!!...sadly, he fell out again and ended up next to our sago palm! He climbed on top of one of our flowers (that is how light he was) and his "parents" kept flying over and encouraging him to try again.

Logan went to a friend's house, and I stepped away for a few minutes, and came back to see him (and parents) gone. I think a cat may have eaten him. Anyway, it started out as a heart warming story and sometimes life's a bitch!
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