Monday, August 06, 2007

Liam eating his cake!


So I forgot we have two digital cameras and had photos from Liam's birthday on both!

Liam decided to take a nap after we all ate dinner during his birthday party. It was a long day, people had to leave, and we decided to do the cake the following day when his big brother would be home from his trip to Lake Travis. Logan was glad, but Liam was unsure about touching the gooey cake.

Liam is not a big fan of touching food, or eating food with texture. The best we have been able to do so far while feeding him is give hime stage 2 baby food mixed with rice cereal. He has a (late) 1 year doctor appointment coming up this month, and I am sure the doctor will make us figure out how to get him to eat "people-food."
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