Thursday, February 26, 2009

I love them!!! :)

Sooooo...Liam got (another) haircut, and Logan still insists on growing his out long. Trust me, I work at a high school and all the kids are doing this. I think the hippy-hair thing is coming back in style...grrrrrr! Bring back the millitary crew cut! Doesn't Logan look way older then 12? He's 5'8 now! Either he's growing or I'm shrinking!
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Liam telling Logan it is "night-night" time...and strange diamond shaped ghost orbs!!! (or we need to clean our lens!)

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Liam trying to "be the boss of Logan!!!" -and Logan thinking it is funny!

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Liam having a blast with his older brother!

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Logan dragging Liam around the house on our comforter! Uncle Mark used to do stuff like this with me and my brother! Tonight I kept saying mommy things like, "Logan, not so rough!" I also caught myself saying, "Logan, slow down, don't wrap him up too much in the blanket, don't shake him around so much, be gentle, he's going to get carpet burn if he falls off, watch out when you pull him around the corner, he's going to get sick, and seriously...SLOW DOWN!!!" Every time I had a mommy comment, Liam and Logan were laughing and having such an awesome time. He was completely fine, but as a mom, you feel the need to say these things when the kids are absolutely safe and happy.

My Uncle Mark used to do this thing where he would put me in a blanket, pull up all the corners and twirl me around in circles. I kind of remember my mom saying similar things that I catch myself saying when I think Logan is being too rough with Liam (even though Liam is having a blast!) Wow, now I know what my mom was feeling when Uncle Mark and I were having a blast and my mom would say the same things to him!!! Being a mother is quite an adventure, I am really seeing alot of my parenting skills as similar to my mom's when I was little. Thanks Mom, I get it now :)
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Logan's #1 fan!!!

Liam is absolutely loving his big brother! He tries to do everything Logan does, and he is always in his business, and always trying to boss him around!!! He has been insisting that Logan take him to bed and read and say prayers with him. Liam will even pull Logan into his room and say "night night mommie, bye bye!" he attempts to close his bedroom door on me! He thinks Logan is the coolest 12 year old in the world (which he is!) and Logan is absolutely eating it up! Sigh....I just love them so much! :)
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Liam really needs to pick a better pose!

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"Cheese face" Liam blocking his brother from the photo!

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Liam is going through a phase!!!

Liam has a new "cheese face." When you tell him to smile and say "cheese," he makes this scrunchy cheesey face at the camera. Here is a photo of Logan duplicating it. FYI, we have a year's worth of Logan photos when he went through the same phase. What is this??? Why do kids do that??? Oh well, it's definitaly entertaining!!!
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Sunday, February 15, 2009

The wee ones "golfing!"

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Party on the golf cart!

We went to our neighbor's house today to celebrate her daughter Julia's 24th birthday. Julia's nephews were there and the kiddos had a blast! They played so well and could hardly sit still. Here are the kids in one of their golf carts. They played on these things forever!!!
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Valentine's Day

It is so hard to find a sitter on Valentine's day. We still had a great time. We had steak & lobster and hung out with the kiddos. Logan set the table, put a bottle of wine out, lit a candle, and drank his milk out of a wine glass. So fancy! We really enjoy hanging out with our kiddos. We also got cozy in the living room and watched the movie "Happy Feet." Awesome day :)
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Our cats don't have eyes, they each have a tiny set of headlights! They are so strange!
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Cat Fight!!!

This photo is funny. You can tell which cat won the squabble...the one in the cat tree giving the "evil glare" lost! These cats are so fun!!!
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Sunday, February 08, 2009

Liam, Brown Bear, and Blue Bear think biking rocks!!!

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I like to ride my bicycle, I like to ride my bike!

Yes "Queen" fans, I am biking again!!! I can not say enough what a fun and super easy work out this is! Everyone should jump on a bike and zip around the block. Bring your kids and it will encourage them to work out and allows everyone to have family time and catch up on the day, week, year, etc...keep in mind the ipod is only cool when -sans kiddos! This is a great time to talk with your children and spouse while burning some serious calories!!! I like to ride my bicycle!!!
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Ahhhhhh, yes! Biking again!!! :)

Those of you that know me well also know that biking is one of my favorite extracurricular activities in the world!!! I FINALLY purchased a trailer that I can attach to my bike. I really have no idea why I waited so long, but I am biking again and super happy!!! I plan on biking every day just like I used to! This time however, my kiddos (and hubby when he is home from the fire station) will join me! I am so happy at the thought, I absolutely love biking! When William & I were still just dating, he surprised me one day (while he was home on leave from the Army) with my bike. It is a Hurricane Schwinn and it is purple and it is one of my best friends!!! We have raced annually for almost a decade at a bike race in our neighborhood to raise money for our neighborhood fire dept. I actually came in 2nd place for my age group when I was prego with Liam! Now, Liam brings his "brown bear," and "blue bear!" Logan bikes with us and I try to keep up with him (while hauling 30 pounds of Liam!) My bike rocks!!! :)
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