Sunday, February 10, 2008

Logan rocking the camp-out!


Ok, William will blog the remaining photos because he was there! He and Logan went (far) and camped with the Boy-scouts. I missed them so much. It was very weird, and quiet, and lonely at home! Liam kept me company. I was so glad to see them on Sunday...until I found out they came home wearing the same clothes they left wearing last Friday....yuck!!! I honestly told them I probably would not have done well if I camped with them.

No electrical outlets in the bathroom? How the heck do you dry your hair? Where do I plug my Ipod??? Ok, I've come to realize I am no longer a camper. I need wireless internet connection, "Wired" magazinne, Guitar Hero III, working bathrooms, a television to watch my Foxnews when I go to bed...and a microwave for my microwave egg-poachers my buddy, Rhonda, gave me for my birthday! Camping sucks! (and it smells bad!)
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